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Showing posts from December, 2009

Debugging X++ code in Dynamics AX

When you are developing X++ code for Dynamics AX over the time you will run into a situation where the below Tips & Tricks can make your debugging live easier. The informations are very rare to find at one place. Since I was also once in the situation needing to find them, I thought it maybe a good idea to collect the most useful ones I'm using day to day... The most oblivious one: Interrupting the code execution When you have written some code that is causing an endless loop (or a very long execution) and you want to know what code is currently keeping the client busy. The easiest way is pressing [Ctrl] + [Break] on the keyboard. This will stop the code execution and show up a message box: Are you sure that you want to cancel this operation? If you hold down the [Shift] button on the keyboard while you click at the No button of the message box, the AX Debugger will be launched exactly at the line of code that was about to be executed. From here ...

Creating SSRS Report Step by Step

Saveen Reddy did an outstanding job by sharing such informative articles on crearting SSRS reports and consuming cubes. Here you can have these articles which I went through and found it very useful. Creating a Simple SSRS Report Creating an SSR Report through data methods (Business Logic) Launching an SSRS report from the Dynamics AX client UI Creating an SSRS Report that gets Data from an AX cube Ad hoc Analysis using Excel 2007 to get data from an AX OLAP Cube