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Showing posts from October, 2011

Find On-Hand inventory

While working on inventory module I wrote this code to find out the On-Hand inventory by using the InventOnHand class. static void findingOnHand(Args _args) { ItemId itemId; InventDim inventDim, inventDimCriteria; InventDimParm inventDimParm; InventOnhand inventOnhand = new InventOnhand(); ; itemId = '00200956'; inventDimCriteria.InventLocationId = '08'; inventDimParm.initFromInventDim(inventDimCriteria); inventOnhand.parmInventDim(inventDimCriteria); inventOnhand.parmInventDimParm(inventDimParm); }

Find On-Hand inventory on given date

This piece of code can help you to find out On-Hand inventory at a particular date. static void findingOnHandByDate(Args _args) { ItemId itemId; InventDim inventDimCriteria; InventDimParm inventDimParm; InventSumDateDim inventSumDateDim; ; // Specify the item to get onhand info on itemId = '00005'; //inventDimCriteria.InventColorId = '02'; inventDimParm.initFromInventDim(inventDimCriteria); inventSumDateDim = InventSumDateDim::newParameters(mkdate(31,12,2009), itemId, inventDimCriteria, inventDimParm); info(strfmt("PostedQty: %1",inventSumDateDim.postedQty())); info(strfmt("DeductedQty: %1",inventSumDateDim.deductedQty())); info(strfmt("ReceivedQty: %1",inventSumDateDim.receivedQty())); }

Check Active Inventory Dimension

In recent time I came across with a requirement how to find out an active inventory dimension associated with an item. Here is a sample job to do this task; static void checkInventDimActive(Args _args) { ItemId itemid = "1000"; ; info(strfmt("%1", InventDimSetup::find(InventTable::find(itemid).dimGroupId, fieldNum(InventDim, configId)).Active)); }