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Showing posts from July, 2013

CodeFlow - A code review tool from Microsoft.

For better and efficient code reviews, Microsoft has developed a tool called CodeFlow and it will be shipped in the next version of Microsoft Visual Studio. More information and screen shots about this tool can be seen in the below links:

Using Code review feature in Visual Studio 2012 to send code reviews.

Efficient code reviews during development phase always helps identify the issues earlier and prevent rework and bugs in later stages of the project. For effective code reviews, there is a code review tool available in Visual Studio 2012 which can be used to improve code quality. To use this feature, all your code changes must be moved to TFS repository. Another pre-requisite is that you need to have an SMTP server setup for your TFS server. Without this, code review emails cannot be send to specific reviewers. Below are the related links which helps you getting started on this: Configuring an SMTP for TFS Using code review to improve quality (Channel 9 video) Code review feature in Visual Studio 2012 (MSDN blog)

WebSearchAx tool for searching stuff related to AX

I found a web search tool for AX which some of you might already be using it, but it is a great tool to know about if you haven’t used it before. The WebSearchAx tool for AX is used to apply advanced criteria to your search for Help about Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can search about AX stuff according to specific roles like developer, system administrator, application user and can also limit the search criteria to specific version of AX. WebSearchAx  can also search the web for white papers, code samples, and blog entries about Microsoft Dynamics AX.  Nice tool to find relevant stuff. Below is the screen shot how it looks like:

New version of the task recorder has been released

A new version of the task recorder has been released. New features: - Video capturing of tasks (might be handy for support and training purposes) - The ability to generate a package for the business process modeller in Lifecycle services (not exactly sure what this means but it might be useful) link in case you’re interested.