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Showing posts from June, 2015

AX to SQL data dictionary synchronization issues

One of my clients restored their AX database from PROD to DEV environment for AX 2009 and on database sync following error message was thrown Cannot execute a data definition language command on (). The SQL database has issued an error. Problems during SQL data dictionary synchronization. The operation failed. Synchronize failed on 1 table(s) This error message does not tell you which table is failing during sync, when I checked from event log I found following error logs which tells you table name but error message was totally misleading. “Object Server 01: The database reported (session 5 (#####)): [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]There is already an object named '<TABLENAME>' in the database”   "Object Server 01:  The database reported (session 23 (#####)): [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Cannot drop the table  '<TABLENAME>', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.. The S...