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Showing posts from September, 2015

How to get Next RecId through X++

Below piece of code can be used to retrieve next record Id from the table. static void getNextRecId(Args _args) {     //Table that stores record ids details for tables     SystemSequences systemSequences;     //Class that handles Record id generation     SystemSequence systemSequence = new SystemSequence();     ;     info( strFmt ( "%1" , tableNum (SalesTable)));           systemSequence.suspendRecIds( tableNum (SalesTable));     info( strFmt ( "Next record id: %1" , systemSequence.reserveValues( 1 , tableNum (SalesTable))));     systemSequence.removeRecIdSuspension( tableNum (SalesTable)); }

Lifecycle issue search directly from AX 2012 R3

AX 2012 R3 comes with new feature of searching any issue, if there is any, against each AOT object. Let's take example of SalesTable table and try to lookup issues reported for this object in LCS. It will redirect you LCS site, and requires Partner or Customer source Id to log in. It lists the total number of issues against SalesTable table along with all hotfixes information.

PostLoad() method in AX tables

Today I found an interesting thing with regards to AX tables and this post is all about this new experience which is the PostLoad() method in AX tables. When we create a new table in AOT, Morphx automatically creates a series of methods for it. We cannot see those methods but those can be overriden on each table as per requirements. PostLoad() is one of these system methods. List of all system methods can be seen from here Lets create a new table, I named it PostLoadTable with two fields Name and Value. I added 5 records in the table manually (open table and added). Tables in Microsoft Dynamics AX have a number of system-defined methods, such as insert, validateField,validateWrite. For a list of these methods, see the xRecord system class. The xRecord class can be seen as the base class for the Common table. The Common table can be seen as the base t...