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Send email from AX using live or gmail exchange server

You may find few more posts over this topic to send emails from AX using live (Hotmail) or gmail exchange server. This is really helpful when we don’t have exchange is in place sometimes due to high cost or you just want to send emails for testing or demo purpose.

Let’s see what parameters need to setup and how can we achieve this requirement.
Go to System Administration | Setup | System | E-mail parameters

P.S. I am using a dedicated email account at outlook (Hotmail) domain for this example. NTLM option can also be used; TechNet article is more helpful to get more information on these parameters.

Here is the job I wrote to send email for selected user. I name it SendTextMail as in my following post I will be writing to send invitation from AX using Hotmail or Gmail exchange server.

static void SendTextMail(Args _args)
    System.Net.Mail.MailMessage             mailMessage;
    System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient              myMail;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection   mailcoll;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddress             mailFrom;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddress             mailTo;
    System.Net.Mail.MailAddress             mailCC;
    str                                     receiverMailAddress;
    str                                     mailBody;
    str                                     smtpServer;
    str                                     mailSubject;
    str                                     CcMailAddress;
    int                                     SMTPPort;
    str                                     mail;
    str                                     pwd;

    Dialog dialog = new Dialog('Email');
    Dialogfield     person, emailSubject, emailBody;
    HcmWorker       hcmWorker;
    UserInfo        userInfo;
    DirPersonUser   dirPersonUser;
    SysUserInfo     sysUserInfo;
    SysEmailParameters parameters;

    // dialog field to select user to whom email will be send
    person          = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(HcmWorkerRecId ), 'Person :' );   
    emailSubject    = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(Description), 'Subject :' );      // Email Subject
    emailBody       = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(Notes), 'Body :' );               // Email Body

        parameters = SysEmailParameters::find();   // Find values from Email Parameters

        new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop).assert();

        // gets HcmWorker record based on person selected from user dialog
        hcmWorker = hcmWorker::find(person.value()); 

        if(!hcmWorker.RecId)   // Verify either user exist or not
            throw error('User not found');

        select firstOnly dirPersonUser
            join userInfo
                where dirPersonUser.PersonParty == DirPartyTable::findByName( &&
        == dirPersonUser.User;

        select firstOnly sysUserInfo
            where sysUserInfo.Id ==;      // Retrieve user info record for selected user

        mailSubject         = emailSubject.value();
        mailFrom            = new  System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(parameters.SMTPUserName ,"Name");
        mailTo              = new  System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(sysUserInfo.Email);
        //mailTo            = new  System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("");
        //mailCC            = new  System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("";
        mailcoll            = new  System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection();
        mailBody            = emailBody.value();

            // using the SMTP server ip //setup in email Parameters
            smtpServer          = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPRelayServerName;  
            mailMessage         = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(mailFrom,mailTo);

            SMTPPort            = SysEmaiLParameters::find(false).SMTPPortNumber;
            myMail              = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(smtpServer, SMTPPort);

           // For SSL enabled mail servers. Ex: gmail,, port 465 or 587

            pwd = SysEmaiLParameters::password();

            mymail.set_Credentials(New System.Net.NetworkCredential(parameters.SMTPUserName, pwd));

            throw Exception::CLRError;


UI of the utility


  1. I configured gmail smtp in email parameters and your code is perfectly working. However, when I am trying to execute following code which is using default SysMailer class I am getting error:

    SysMailer sysMailer = new SysMailer();

    sysMailer.quickSend('sender email address', 'recipient email address', 'test email alert', 'test email alert');

    I am getting following error:

    Method 'send' in COM object of class 'CDO.Message' returned error code 0x8004020E () which means: .

    Any help would be highly appreciated.

  2. Gmail helps in advancing organizations of various kinds by giving them online crowd. Low spam scores


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