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Assigning security roles to new AX user was never that easy !!!

Some time before I got a chance to write on a utility to make user role assignment a much easier....on ONE click.

For example; a new accountant joined your organization and CFO asked AX System Admin to add this new user into AX and give him/her same permissions as other accountants have in AX. Without this utility AX system Admin will open existing user roles in a seperate window and add these roles for new joined users....Is it not the time consuming activity when you have to add dozens of roles.

This utiltiy not limited to copy user roles but can copy User Groups and user Options too.

Some important methods of this utility are;

Create User lookup for FROM USER

public void fromUserLookup(FormStringControl userLookupControl)
    Query                   qry = new Query();
    QueryBuildDataSource    qbd;
    QueryBuildRange         qbr;
    SysTableLookup          sysTableLookup;
    Userinfo                userInfo;

    systablelookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(UserInfo), userLookupControl);
    SysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(UserInfo, ID));
    SysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(UserInfo, NetworkAlias));
    SysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(UserInfo, Name));

    qbd = qry.addDataSource(tableNum(userInfo));

Create User lookup for TO USER

public void toUserLookup(FormStringControl userLookupControl)
    Query                   qry = new Query();
    QueryBuildDataSource    qbd;
    QueryBuildRange         qbr;
    SysTableLookup          sysTableLookup;
    Userinfo                userInfo;

    systablelookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(UserInfo), userLookupControl);
    SysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(UserInfo, ID));
    SysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(UserInfo, NetworkAlias));
    SysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(UserInfo, Name));

    qbd = qry.addDataSource(tableNum(userInfo));
    qbr = qbd.addRange(fieldNum(UserInfo, Enable));

Function to copy USER ROLES

/// <summary>
/// copy roles assigned to one user to another
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// true; roles are copied across. false; roles failed to copied
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// this method is used to copy user roles assigned to one user to another user.
/// </remarks>
private boolean copyUserRoles()
    boolean                 ret = true;

    SecurityRole            securityRole;

    SecurityUserRole        securityUserRole;
    SecurityUserRole        securityUserRoleExist;
    SecurityUserRole        securityUserRoleInsert;
    OMUserRoleOrganization  userRoleOrganization, userRoleOrganization_Insert;

    List                    copiedUserRoles = new List(Types::String);

    ListEnumerator          lEnumerator;

    setPrefix(strFmt("Copy user", fromUser, toUser));

        select securityRole where securityRole.AotName == 'SystemUser';
        delete_from securityUserRole where securityUserRole.User == toUser && securityUserRole.SecurityRole == securityRole.RecId;
        while select securityUserRole
                where securityUserRole.User == fromUser
            notExists join * from securityUserRoleExist
                where securityUserRoleExist.SecurityRole    == securityUserRole.SecurityRole
                    && securityUserRoleExist.User           == toUser
            select securityRole where securityRole.RecId == securityUserRole.SecurityRole;


            securityUserRoleInsert.SecurityRole = securityUserRole.SecurityRole;
            securityUserRoleInsert.User         = toUser;

            while select userRoleOrganization
                    where userRoleOrganization.User == fromUser
                        && userRoleOrganization.SecurityRole == securityUserRole.SecurityRole

                userRoleOrganization_Insert.OMHierarchyType             = userRoleOrganization.OMHierarchyType;
                userRoleOrganization_Insert.OMInternalOrganization      = userRoleOrganization.OMInternalOrganization;
                userRoleOrganization_Insert.SecurityRole                = userRoleOrganization.SecurityRole;
                userRoleOrganization_Insert.SecurityRoleAssignmentRule  = userRoleOrganization.SecurityRoleAssignmentRule;
                userRoleOrganization_Insert.User                        = toUser;

        ret = false;

    if (ret)
        lEnumerator = copiedUserRoles.getEnumerator();

        if (copiedUserRoles.empty())
            info(strFmt("User %1 and %2 have already the same user role",fromUser, toUser));

        while (lEnumerator.moveNext())
        error(strFmt("User Roles aborted please review list"));

    return ret;

Function to copy USER OPTIONS
/// <summary>
/// copy options assigned to one user to another
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// true; options are copied across. false; options failed to copied
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// this method is used to copy user's options assigned to one user to another user.
/// </remarks>
private boolean copyUserOptions()
    boolean                 ret = true;

    UserInfo                userInfoSource;
    UserInfo                userInfoTarget;

    SysUserInfo             sysUserInfoSource;
    SysUserInfo             sysUserInfoTarget;

    setPrefix(strFmt("Copy user options", fromUser, toUser));

        select userInfoSource
            where == fromUser
        join sysUserInfoSource
            where sysUserInfoSource.Id ==;

            select forUpdate userInfoTarget where == toUser;
            userInfoTarget.filterByGridOnByDefault = userInfoSource.filterByGridOnByDefault;
            userInfoTarget.statuslineInfo = userInfoSource.statuslineInfo;

            select forUpdate sysUserInfoTarget where sysUserInfoTarget.Id == toUser;
            sysUserInfoTarget.DefaultCountryRegion = sysUserInfoSource.DefaultCountryRegion;

        ret = false;

    if (ret)
        info(strFmt("User %1 and %2 have already the same user options ", fromUser, toUser));
        error(strFmt("User Options aborted please review list "));

    return ret;

Function to copy USER GROUPS
/// <summary>
/// copy groups assigned to one user to another
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// true; groups are copied across. false; groups failed to copied
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// this method is used to copy user groups assigned to one user to another user.
/// </remarks>
private boolean copyUserGroups()
    boolean                 ret = true;

    UserGroupList           userGroupList;
    UserGroupList           userGroupListExist;
    UserGroupList           userGroupListInsert;

    List                    copiedGroups = new List(Types::String);

    ListEnumerator          lEnumerator;

    setPrefix(strFmt("Copy user groups", fromUser, toUser));

        while select userGroupList
                where userGroupList.userId == fromUser
            notExists join * from userGroupListExist
                where userGroupListExist.groupId == userGroupList.groupId
                    && userGroupListExist.userId == toUser

            userGroupListInsert.groupId = userGroupList.groupId;
            userGroupListInsert.userId  = toUser;
        ret = false;

    if (ret)
        lEnumerator = copiedGroups.getEnumerator();

        if (copiedGroups.empty())
            info(strFmt("User %1 and %2 have already the same user Groups ",fromUser, toUser));

        while (lEnumerator.moveNext())
        error(strFmt("User Groups aborted please review list "));

    return ret;


  1. Superb.... you made System administrator's life easy.. :) .. Great work. Thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks for these instructions ! I really appreciated the read and shall be dropping by from time to time now.

  3. I am satisfied that you simply shared this useful information with us.
    Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
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