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Showing posts from May, 2014

Import HRM Positions from Excel through X++

You can use different options to import data into Dynamics AX 2012 specially the subject line entity (Positions). Data import/export framework would be the best option to import it, you can also use excel addins for this purpose. However, due to large number of tables involved in few import process it might be difficult to judge right tables and their sequence. You can also use X++ code to import data into AX either from CSV file or from Excel file. The following job in X++ may help you in importing positions from excel file. static void ImportHRPosition(Args _args) {     SysExcelApplication     application;     SysExcelWorkbooks       workbooks;     SysExcelWorkbook        workbook;     SysExcelWorksheets      worksheets;     SysExcelWorksheet       worksheet;     SysExcelCells           cells;     COMVari...

SysDictTable object not intialized - Data Import/Export Framework

I got the following error while importing Employee Master data using Data Import/Export Framework (from staging to target entities). After doing some debugging I found there was a table “ RetailStaffTable ” in Emloyee Entity structure but the Retail configuration key was turned off or Retail components were not installed.   I ended up deleting the record from the DMFTargetEntityHierarchy table. (Alt+F9 to delete from table browser). I reran the process and it went fine.

Restrict non-admin users to open multiple sessions in AX

Few times client asked to restrict their users to not open AX sessions multiple times. As It may impact on performance somehow. The following code snipet can do this job for you. NOTE:  Please take backup of your application before copying code Copy Paste the Following Code in startupPost method of info class in AOT void startupPost() {    // To restrict user login form second login    xSession session;    SysClientSessions SysClientSessions;    UserId currentUserId;    int counter;    currentUserId = curUserId();    if(currentUserId!="Admin")// Allow Admin User to login multiple time    {       while select SysClientSessions          where SysClientSessions.userId == currentUserId          &&     SysClientSessions.Status == 1 // 1 : Login 0 : Logout       {          session =...

AX 2012 - Compile and CIL Generation errors

Someone may come across the following compilation errrors in classes while compiling the application; \Classes\BIGenerator\classDeclaration \Classes\DMFBIConfigurationEntityClass\classDeclaration \Classes\SysStartupCmdGenerateSsasProject\buildProject \Classes\BIAnalysisServicesProjectController\classDeclaration When I dig into these errors it was related to  Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Analytics.DLL   that is installed with Reporting Extensions. Fix: Install the SQL 2008 R2 Analysis Managment Objects (my running version of SQL) on the same machine as the AX Client (in my scenario, the AOS server) . Then recompile!

AX 2012: Forms and Tables methods call sequence

Many a times we came across the point that where should we write code either it would be in init() of a form or in datasource init() method. And which method will be called first and where you can actually retireve record and what would be best way to accomplish few basic requirements without impacting the performance. For all above reasons I found an interesting link and thought it would be worth sharing here.

Access denied; Copying DLL into Windows Server 2012

Installing .DLL file into GAC folder of windows is just a drag & drop procedure and it always work. However, things can be annoyed if this simple thing does not work as it happened with me and I was having the following access denied error even I was logged in with Administrator. There is another way to install .DLL file through power shell and following commands can be used to install and remove .DLL from GAC folder. You can also have a look on techNet article for more details. Add a DLL to the GAC 1. Run the Power Shell console as Administrator. 2. Enter the following PowerShell Set-location "c:\Folder Path" [System.Reflection.Assembly] :: Load ( "System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" ) $publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish $publish . GacInstall ( "c:\Folder Path\DLL.dll" ) iisreset Remove ...

AX 2012: How to retrieve the license information through X++

Recently I came across the requirement to retrieve the licence information from the system to use it for some purpose. Here is the sample to job to get license information. static void getLicenseValue(Args _args) {     str licVal;       licVal = xSysConfig::find(ConfigType::SerialNo, 0).Value;       info(strFmt("%1", licVal)); } Output: