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Showing posts from September, 2014

Failed to create a session; confirm that the user has the proper privileges to log on to Microsoft Dynamics

I faced this issue  " Failed to create a session; confirm that the user has the proper privileges to log on to Microsoft Dynamics" when I imported MS contoso data into my new created AX environment. Though this is not specific to MS contoso data import, you can have on original post which solved my problem too.

Number sequence framework step by step

There are many posts over the internet address Number Sequence framework, I found a worth sharing slides which tells you; How to create new number sequence How to use number sequence in form How to use number sequence in X++   Microsoft dynamics ax2012 : Number Sequence Framework, Step by Step from Hamdaoui Mohamed Amine

Delete legal entities in AX 2012

Delete a legal entity seems to be a straight forward option in AX, just click on delete button on legal entity form. This does not work sometimes as per your thoughts and you face errors like below. Cannot delete a record in Ledger (Ledger). The corresponding AOS validation failed. Stack trace: Call to TTSCOMMIT without first calling TTSBEGIN. Stack trace (S)\Classes\xRecord\Delete (S)\Data Dictionary\Tables\DirPartyTable\Methods\Delete - line 14 (S)\Data Dictionary\Tables\DirOrganizationBase\Methods\Delete - line 17 (S)\Data Dictionary\Tables\CompanyInfo\Methods\Delete - line 31 (S)\Classes\xRecord\dbOpInTransaction (C)\Classes\FormDataSource\delete (C)\Classes\FormRun\task (C)\Forms\OMLegalEntity\Methods\task (C)\Classes\SysSetupFormRun\task OR Cannot delete a record in Batch job (BatchJob). The corresponding AOS validation failed. These errors appear when you have transaction data in the legal entity which you are after for delete or there ...