Since there are numerous options available in AX 2012 to create journal lines very quickly from already saved voucher templates. Someone can go with the option which best suites their requirements out of these available options; Voucher Template, Periodic Journal, Allocation Rules and Accrual Schema.
This post is all about saving and selecting Voucher Template and here is how we can use this feature;
This post is all about saving and selecting Voucher Template and here is how we can use this feature;
1. Under General ledger module > Journals > General journal form
2. Select a journal which you want to use as a source for Voucher Template
3. Click on Lines button to open journal lines
4. Click on Functionss > Save voucher template
Window will pop up with either one of the two options for Template type to select; Percent or Amount
Option Percent: Select the voucher template to use; click on OK and enter the amount of the general journal
Option Amount: Select the voucher template to use; click on OK
5. Create a new general jounal and on general journal lines form click Functions > Select Voucher templates
6. It will show you Saved voucher templates which we did in step 3
7. Select appropriate voucher template and Click OK
8. All jounral lines of voucher template will be moved to new created geneal journal lines form
Nice and easy option when we have to create several time the same journal lines and has been a most commonly used for long transactions.
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