Thursday, May 21, 2015

Export Import Model - Power Shell & Command line statements

I myself often require following commands and worth to have these at one place to get it more quickly. 

Export a Model File
Windows PowerShell
Export-AXModel -Model <name> -File <Filename.axmodel>
Example: daxture is a model name and it exist in C drive
Export-AXModel -Model daxture -File C:\daxture.axmodel

Export-AXModel -Server SERVERDB -Database DataBaseName –Model "Model Name" -File c:\temp\xxxxx.axmodel

AXUtil Command
axutil export /model:<modelname> /file:<filename> /verbose
Example: daxture is a model name and it exist in C drive
axutil export /model:"daxture" /file:"C:\daxture.axmodel" /verbose

Import a Model File
Windows PowerShell
Install-AXModel -File <Filename.axmodel> -Details
Example: daxture is a model name and it exist in C drive
Install-AXModel -File C:\daxture.axmodel -Details

Install-AXModel -Server SERVERDB -Database DatabaseName -File c:\temp\xxxxx.axmodel -DETAILS -Conflict Overwrite

In case of conflict we can use this command; Intall -AXModel -File <Filename.axmodel> -Details -Conflict Push

AXUtil Command
axutil import /file:<filename> /verbose
Example: file exist in C drive
axutil import /file:"C:\daxture.axmodel" /verbose

AxUtil commands
Creating a model in layer axutil create /model:"daxture" /Layer:CUS
Delete a model axutil delete /model:"daxture"
Delete a layer axutil delete /layer:ISV
Delete a layer from database and AXServer axutil delete /layer:ISV /db:<database> /s:<server>

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