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Showing posts from March, 2017

D365O - How to add financial dimension in grid

This post outlines the steps; how to add financial dimensions (segmented control) in a grid in D365O. Let's assume we are adding new table and form for below explanation; New table contains two fields  AccountType and  LedgerDimension with relation to DimensionAttributeValueCombination table  Form looks like this; Set properties for segmented control under form design; - Auto declaration = Yes - Account type field = AccountType - Controller class = DimensionDynamicAccountController - Filter expression = %1 1. Override modified method for LedgerDimension field under form's datasource 2. Override lookup and checkUserCustomLookup method on ledger dimension segmented control in form desgin Datasource | D365O_FinancialDimension | LedgerDimension | modified [DataSource]     class D365O_FinancialDimension     { ...

D365O - Import CSV data through Data entity

Data entity is a new concept comes with D365O release where each entity related data can be accessed from a single view. A data entity is an abstraction from the physical implementation of database tables. For example, customer related data is stored in different tables in AX which could be customer address ( access from    LogisticsPostalAddress), customer name (access from DirPartyTable), and customer electronic address (access from LogisticsElectronicAddress ). Complete details are well explained here Let's create new data entity to import data from a CSV file, this data entity uses only one table to keep it simple. My following posts will show how to import data into through data entities using multiple tables. Create a new table [Optional step] I created a new table for this example. Create new data entity Method 1: Method 2 : Add new item for ...