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Showing posts from May, 2015

Error when validate settings in Report servers by any admin account which is not account used to install the AX reporting services extensions.

First thing you need to verify the Service account and Execution Account are properly configured under Reporting Services Configuration Manager. After some troubleshooting, I found UAC was not turned off. I was running on MS Windows Server 2012. UAC has to be turned off via registry by changing the DWORD "EnableLUA" from 1 to 0 in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system". You will get a notification that a reboot is required. After the reboot, UAC is disabled. After UAC is disabled, the issue is resolved.

How to create Info part and use it on List page

This post is about how to create info Part in AX and use it on list page. For this example; I am using Projects List page and will add Revenue Info Part on it. Right click on AOT\Parts\Info Parts and create New Info Part Assign Query to this info part I have assigned ProjTable_NoFilter query Add New Group under Layout Name it ProjectRevenue and set few properties as shown Note I haven't assigned DataSource to this group, I will be using data methods to get data here. Add new fields under ProjectRevenue group and name it RevenueAtSales and RevenueAtOrders   I assigned ForecastRevenueAtSalesSw data method to field RevenueAtSales, this data method is written on at \Data Dictionary\Tables\ProjTable\Methods\forecastRevenueAtSalesSw display AmountCur forecastRevenueSw() {     ProjForecastOnAcc projForecastOnAcc;     real total...

Cannot open the datafile file axapden-us.alt

Faced following error after restoring Dynamics AX databases from one AOS server to other. Cannot open the datafile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft DynamicsAX\60\Server\DAX2012R3\bin\Application\appl\Standard\axapden-us.alt" Error code from the openrating system: errno = 13. Look in file 'errno.h' or in the operating system documentation for an explanation.   Resolution: It was the account permssion issue.  Make sure AOS service account must have added into Dynamics AX databases with full permissions (at least db_owner). This AOS service account  manages the files located at above mentioned path in error. In my Case; Source AOS service was running with domain user account ( DOMAIN\AOSService ) and Destination AOS service was running under Network Service account . When I restored AX databases from source to destination it overwrite all user accounts in destination database, which means it deleted Network Service account .   I had two options EITHER to ...

Export Import Model - Power Shell & Command line statements

I myself often require following commands and worth to have these at one place to get it more quickly.  Export a Model File Windows PowerShell Export-AXModel -Model <name> -File <Filename.axmodel> Example: daxture is a model name and it exist in C drive Export-AXModel -Model  daxture  -File C:\daxture.axmodel Export-AXModel -Server SERVERDB -Database DataBaseName –Model "Model Name" -File c:\temp\xxxxx.axmodel AXUtil Command axutil export /model:<modelname> /file:<filename> /verbose Example:   daxture  is a model name and it exist in C drive axutil export /model: " daxture"  /file:"C:\daxture.axmodel" /verbose Import a Model File Windows PowerShell Install-AXModel -File <Filename.axmodel> -Details Example:   daxture  is a model name and it exist in C drive Install-AXModel - File C:\daxture.axmodel -Details Install-AXModel -Server SERVERDB -Database DatabaseName -File c:\temp...

Calculate timing in X++ operations [WinAPI::getTickCount()]

While reading some lengthy operations e.g. reading data from CSV files, fetching data in query and uploading data etc I wanted to know the time consuming in each opertion. This helped me to optimize my logic or query in making client-server calls. We can use following function to know about time consumption; int                 startTime, endTime; startTime = WinAPI::getTickCount(); [Perform X++ operations] endTime = WinAPI::getTickCount(); info(strFmt( 'It took %1 minutes' , ((endTime - startTime)/ 1000 )/ 60 )); Note:   WinAPI::getTickCount() tells time in milliseconds you need to change accordingly as per your required unit.

Building query AND using query object in X++

Create and add datasource with range in X++ // Code using X++ to build the query Query query; QueryRun queryRun; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; ProjTable ProjTable; ; query = new Query(); // Add a datasource to the query qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(ProjTable)); // Add a range to the newly added datasource. qbds.addRange(fieldNum(ProjTable, ProjId)).value( "00403_1036..00412_1036" ); queryRun = new QueryRun(query); while( { projTable = queryRun.get(tableNum(ProjTable)); info(projTable.ProjId + ", " + ProjTable.Name); } Use query object to retrieve AOT query // Code using a query string static void UseAOTQuery(Args _args) { Query query; QueryRun queryRun; QueryBuildDataSource qbds; QueryBuildRange qbr; ProjTable p rojTable ; qu...

Conditional IIF Sum in SSRS report at group level

I got a requirement where I want to show sum amount based on differnent conditions. Simple Sum of amount can be shown with following expression; =Sum(Fields!Amount.Value) I tried following expression to show conditional sum on a group level; It did not work :( =Sum(IIF(Fields!name.value = "Standard", Fields!Amount.value, 0)) I tried following expression after getting idea from this blog and it worked =Sum( VAL( IIF(Fields!name.value = "Standard", Fields!Amount.value, 0) ) )

Use ReportItems in SSRS report

Sommetime we require to use values from textboxes in SSRS for some calculations or data hiding and some other manipulations.  Textbox or any other object on report design is an item of the report and can be accessed through ReportItems!TextBox.value This can be used as on textbox expression  =ReportItems!Amount.Value - ReportItems!Amount1.Value

Count records in Query Vs Cound Loops in Query

Sometime we do need to know the number of records fetching through X++ query and this can be achieved by SysQuery::CountRecords(QueryRun) function.  This function works similar to this X++ logic; ProjTable   projTable;     select count(RecId) from projTable; info(strFmt("%1 total records", projTable.RecId)); // total tecords 1130 Lets see with X++ query; static void CountProjTableRecords(Args _args) {           Query                           query = new Query();          QueryRun                     queryRun;          QueryBuildDataSource qbd;          qbd = query.addDataSource(tablenum(ProjTable));         queryRun = new QueryRun(query);         info(strfmt("Total Records in Query...

Show last day of the month from date in SSRS report

Following expression can be used to show last day of the monthin SSRS report. Format(DateSerial(Year(Parameters!Dataset1_AsPerDate.Value), Month(Parameters!Dataset1_AsPerDate.Value), "1" ).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1), "dd/MM/yyyy" ) Input:   Parameters!Dataset1_AsPerDate.Value = "02/01/2015" Outout:  31/01/2015

Show AX full company in SSRS

Following expression can be used to show full AX company name from legal entities in SSRS report. =Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Reports.DataMethodUtility.GetFullCompanyNameForUser(Parameters!AX_CompanyName.Value, Parameters!AX_UserContext.Value)

Show Print Date & Time and Page Number in SSRS report - Custom formatted

Following expression can be used to show print date and time in SSRS report. =Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Reports.DataMethodUtility.ConvertUtcToAxUserTimeZoneForUser( Parameters!AX_CompanyName.Value,Parameters!AX_UserContext.Value, System.DateTime.UtcNow , "d", Parameters!AX_RenderingCulture.Value ) &  " at "  & Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Reports.DataMethodUtility.ConvertUtcToAxUserTimeZoneForUser(Parameters!AX_CompanyName.Value, Parameters!AX_UserContext.Value, System.DateTime.UtcNow, "t", Parameters!AX_RenderingCulture.Value ) OutPut:           01/01/2015 at 8:14 AM Following expression can be used to show page number in SSRS report. =System.String.Format(Labels!@SYS182565, Globals!PageNumber & space(2) & Labels!@sys26401 & space(2) & Globals!TotalPages)                    OutPut:   Page 1 of 2

Format a date in SSRS report

After adding a Date parameter in contract class of SSRS report it starts showing in report's parameters node with Data type DateTime. There is no option to make it either short date or format a date at parameter level. You can use following expression in report design where this parameter has been used in design, mostly in textbox. =format(Parameters!Dataset1_AsPerDate.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy" ) Happy Daxur!ng

AOT and X++ queries and ranges in AX 2012

Let's say we have a query in AOT  \Queries\ProjTable And now we want to add more datasources into this query's parent datasource (ProjTable) and some ranges etc. Let's assume we have a class (SRS report data provider class or a dialog class) which is using above query and during processing in this class we want to add more datasources and so on. I created a SRS report data provider class for this example; Class declaration [     SRSReportQueryAttribute ( querystr (MarginAnalysisReportV2Sw)),     SRSReportParameterAttribute( classstr (MarginAnalysisReportContractV2Sw)) ] public class MarginAnalysisReportDPV2Sw extends SRSReportDataProviderBase {     Query                       query;     TempTable               tempTable;     RecordInsertList       recordInsertListTmpTable;    ...